感謝您對 VFH 品牌的支持,本公司為荷蘭庫勒-慕勒博物館(Kröller-Müller Museum)在香港的獨家授權生產及銷售商。 名畫設計口罩包括荷蘭印象派藝術大師-文森.梵高(Vincent Van Gogh)的〈夜空〉、〈星空下的咖啡座〉、〈盛開的桃樹〉、〈玫瑰與牡丹〉等,以及法國印象派藝術創始人-莫奈(Claude Monet)的〈莫內的工作室船〉和 〈Guurtje van de Stadt小姐的畫像〉都是通過庫勒-慕勒博物館的審批後才進行生產。 除此之外,所有口罩的製作過程均符合原廠嚴格檢驗,保證達到高質量標準 ASTM F2100 Level 3。 每個包裝盒貼上了Kröller-Müller Museum 的授權防偽標以及博物館和 VFH 標誌。 為尊重創作人的知識產權,以及保障閣下的權益和健康,請認明商標。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your trustful support to VFH, our company is the one and only agent in Hong Kong selling disposable masks with paintings authorized by Kröller-Müller Museum in the Netherlands. The painting mask designs included Vincent Van Gogh’s – “Country Road in Provence By Night”, “Terrace of A Café at Night”, “Pink Peach Trees”, “Roses and Peonies” as well as Claude Monet’s – “The Monet’s Studio Boat” and “Portrait Of Miss Guurtje Van De Stadt”, are all licensed by Kröller-Müller Museum. Plus, all masks are manufactured with high standard quality of ASTM F2100 Level 3 which reach a level of ≥ 98% efficiency. It is our responsibility to ensure your health and well-being. To identify the authentic VFH product, each package will have a Kröller-Müller Museum trademark along with museum’s logo and brand logo. Let’s join hands to protect Intellectual property in creativity and be considerate with your own health and safety.
VFH Product Development Team